Termites in Florida cause devastating amounts of dollar damage every year. Termites are tough, determined and highly efficient. And chances are you’ll see no evidence of their work until serious wood damage has been done. A thorough professional termite inspection of your property is your best defense against damage caused by termites and other wood-destroying organisms. A trained inspector can spot evidence of even the beginning of an infestation. This allows you, the property owner, the chance to correct the problem before it becomes too costly.
We have two(2) basic types of termites in Southern Florida: 1. drywood termites and 2. subterranean termites. Drywood termites live above the ground for example in furniture, door frames, and attics.
We treat the wood itself to eliminate these termites. The second type of termite is the subterranean termite. These termites usually live in the ground and only crawl out of the ground to eat wood. With these termites we need to reach the underground nest that they live in with a material that will eliminate them.
All termites swarm once a year. If you may see them or just their wings in your residence you may have termites. Give us a call for a free inspection and analysis.
Wood-eating termite Swarming termite
Protect your property with total termite infestation elimination by Bug Off Exterminators. We will give your property a free termite inspection. And if we find evidence or potential for infestation by subterranean, formosan or drywood termites, we will recommend spot or complete treatments including termite bonds. The materials we use are odorless, bio-degradable and eco-friendly, and all treatments are supervised by a state-certified termite control specialist.
Our innovative pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems, while our protection services make sure your home is always protected.
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